30 Day Challenge, Simplify September


SIMPLIFY SEPTEMBER, a 30 day challenge that focuses on simple acts leading to big results!september

  • The goal is 30 days of SIMPLE ACTS
  • Start the first of the month (or on Sunday if need time to figure out your challenge goals) with an INTENTION for the first week of the month and then follow with daily simple acts that lead toward fulfilling it.
  1. Grab a blank calendar.
  2. Write down 4 things you'd like to bring to light in your life right now (joy, exercise, kindness, health, focus, friendships, health, self-care, mindfulness, organization, etc)
  3. Week one, write down ONE of those intentions
  4. For each day of that week, write down ONE thing you can do to work towards that goal. (this may end up being several different things, or can be something repeated to reinforce a habit)
  5. Do the same for weeks two, three and four, filling in each calendar day with an action step.
  • INTENTION #1 to start an exercise program
  1. Day ONE, tell a friend or family member *and research or plan on what activity you are most likely to do or that excites you the most!
  2. Day TWO call or visit the location or studio or club you want to exercise at or with OR purchase the online program, DVD, equipment you may need.
  3. Day THREE show up! No excuses, put it on your calendar the exact time you will be exercising. It is an important appointment with yourself and as your own "boss", remember that bosses never cancel appointments!
  4. Day FOUR do it again. Notice something different about it, ask more questions, pace yourself and allow yourself breaks, rests, whatever it takes to not over-do it, but to stay connected to it.
  5. Day FIVE invite a friend or write your experience so far in a journal or try a different class or program or routine or route, but do something physically active again. If using a studio or resources where you can ask questions, inquire about balance for your routine so that you are not doing the same thing day after day, but building in cross training and recovery and stretch.
  6. Day SIX celebrate your success! Check off each day on the calendar that you worked towards your goal and reward yourself with a happy face on that day, a pedicure, a new exercise DVD or water bottle, etc.
  7. Plan how you will continue the practice and write out the goals for the next week (in addition to showing up again! asking more questions, and fine-tuning your plan, along with imprinting it in your brain and owning it by telling more people about it or a journal entry.)

Other examples would follow the same pattern, if intention is to EAT BETTER, start with the grocery store. Make a list, visit the farmers market. Discover new recipes, go to Clarks, buy a magazine or cookbook with recipes in it and begin to purchase what you need right away! Eat breakfast, reduce or eliminate fast food or eating out or soda....all one step at a time!

If an intention needs to be repeated all four weeks, do that. Whatever keeps it SIMPLE and GETS IT DONE!

Small action steps leading to big results!


For all aspects of health go to www.energylabfitness.com

email jill@energylabfitness.com and schedule a consultation with me or find out how for about $6.50/day you can have access to VARIETY of exercise types (cycling, pilates, strength, yoga, bootcamp) and EXPERTISE of coaches, plus EDUCATION!

For nutrition (the best meal of your day shakes) and workout DVD's like P90X and Country Heat, PiYo and online programming go to www.myshakeology.com/energylab